Alhamra Mall, Office No. 502, 3rd Floor, Farwaniya,Kuwait.

Business Information Report

Business Information Report A Business Information Report, also referred to as a Credit/Risk Report is an overview of a company’s legal, operational, and financial profile with a rating and credit limit. Reports are usually used by credit insurance underwriters/credit managers and anyone who wishes to perform a background check on a company.

RIME reports are produced in a structured data format and a common template throughout our production countries.

Accounting & Book Keeping

Bookkeeping is the process of recording your company's financial transactions into organized accounts on a daily basis. It can also refer to the different recording techniques businesses can use. Bookkeeping is an essential part of your accounting process for a few reasons.

Subject to availability, the usual contents of a Business Information Report are :

  • Contact Details
  • Legal and registration Information
  • Main principals
  • Related companies
  • Company activities and operational information
  • Financial Data
  • Banks
  • Detrimental Data
  • Media Search Results
  • Ratings and Credit Assessment